The Strongest Security to Keep You Safe During Online Banking

The Strongest Security to Keep You Safe During Online Banking

Your Safety is
Our First Priority

As a responsible online banking services provider, we remain updated on the latest cybersecurity threats and regulatory changes. This allows us to monitor and assess our security systems to ensure that they can withstand even the most sophisticated cyberattack while remaining compliant at all times.

Your Safety is
Our First Priority

As a responsible online banking services provider, we remain updated on the latest cybersecurity threats and regulatory changes. This allows us to monitor and assess our security systems to ensure that they can withstand even the most sophisticated cyberattack while remaining compliant at all times.

Staying a
Step Ahead

We constantly work to identify emerging threats, mitigate vulnerabilities, innovate ways of thwarting an attack, and build a strong plan to respond promptly.

Securing Online

Our ultimate aim is to make online banking a positive experience. That’s why we harness the power of the most advanced and sophisticated technologies to protect customers when they conduct online transactions.

with Regulatory &
Industry Standards

We’re the first Greek bank to receive a license from the ECB. While compliance with regulations is mandatory for us, we don’t set the bar there. We follow industry best practices. But even that’s not enough. Our aim is to be the benchmark for security best practices in the banking industry.

& Reporting

We have a strong team of cybersecurity experts who continuously monitor our systems. They raise real-time security alerts in case of any suspicious activity. Third-party audits provide a security status check, enabling us to continuously strengthen our security protocols without causing any disruption for our customers.

Your trusted,
long-term partner

Our highly skilled cybersecurity team is always vigilant, working hard on an updated action plan to deal with new threats to keep online banking safe for you. We are also committed to keeping our customers aware of new vulnerabilities and scams.

Your safety is critical to Snappi's objective of leading the curve in financial accessibility and sustainability.

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